what did the english do to attract more settlers to the new world

Advisor: Kathleen A. Duval, Acquaintance Professor of History, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, National Humanities Heart Young man.
Copyright National Humanities Center, 2011

Why did some European attempts to establish colonies in the New World succeed while near failed?


Early European colonies in the New Earth succeeded only if local Indians immune them to and if they were lucky. When European settlers arrived in the New World, they often placed their colonies among people who had established complex webs of political relationships that included both alliances and rivalries. If Indians tolerated settlements they could hands accept wiped out, they may have done so non because they were afraid of the settlers or kindly disposed to them or militarily weak simply rather considering they saw them as useful adjuncts in their ain internal power struggles.


George Percy, Observations Gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia past the English , 1608. (excerpts)

[Find more master resource on successful European colonies in the New World American Beginnings: The European Presence in North America, 1492–1690.]

Text Type

Informational text with moderately complex purpose, text construction, and knowledge demands, and very complex language features. Tier 2 vocabulary words are defined in pop-ups (full list at bottom of page). Tier three words are explained in brackets.

Text Complexity

Grades 11-CCR complexity ring.
For more than information on text complexity see these resources from achievethecore.org.

Click hither for standards and skills for this lesson.


Common Cadre Country Standards

  • ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.i (Cite strong and thorough textual prove to back up assay of what the text says explicitly besides as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.)
  • ELA-LITERACY.RI.xi-12.10 (Read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band proficiently)

Advanced Placement US History

  • Central Concept 1.2 (IIIB) (…native people sought to defend and maintain their political sovereignty…)

Instructor's Notation

Nosotros do non know why the Indians of the Chesapeake, fierce protectors of their ain territory, refrained from destroying the weak vulnerable English outpost in its earliest days, particularly since these same tribes wiped out the Castilian mission of Ajacán 30-seven years earlier. (For a companion lesson run across Failed European Colonies in the New Globe.) The Indians left no written tape of their experience with the settlers. Nevertheless, we practise have Percy's account. If we proceed in listen the limitations of his understanding of Indian civilization, his European biases, language barriers, the dangerous situation the settlers were in, and the rivalries that apparently existed among the various tribes, we can, through conscientious and sensitive reading, arrive at a plausible speculation: perhaps the Indians immune Jamestown to survive because the presence of the English provided advantages to some tribes — trade goods, for case, or prestige — equally they vied with others to gain power inside the Powhatan Confederation. This exercise in close reading volition allow students to be ethnohistorians, discerning the motives and actions of people who left no written testify. Students may demand some pushing to get them to consider the Indian's point of view.

The first passage illustrates some of the ambitions of the Jamestown colony. The English saw Spain both equally an evil Cosmic empire, reaping riches through barbarous treatment of Indians, and equally a model of how to collect the riches that the English wished for themselves. The settlers of Jamestown knew that they had chosen a spot not far from Spanish St. Augustine and inside the larger territory that Spain still claimed, although the peace that their new king, James I, had negotiated with Kingdom of spain in 1604 meant they should be protected from Spanish attack.

The 2d passage brings together all the references Percy makes to the Indians. Amid other things, information technology introduces students to the discussions and debates that the Indians were having regarding what to practice about the English. Of grade, near of these discussions took identify when Percy was not present to record them, but the disagreement suggested here between some of "the Savages" and their werowance can assistance students imagine how those discussions might have gone. Some Indians were disturbed that the English language were "planting," in other words that they seemed to be intending to settle rather than only merchandise. One of the discussion questions asks students to think virtually the nature of the Powhatan Confederation, in which Powhatan required subordinate werowances to pay tribute to him. Might this political state of affairs have led some to welcome the Virginians? As you analyze this passage, pay attention to the rivalry between the Rapahanna and the Paspihe.

This lesson is divided into ii parts, both accessible below. The instructor'southward guide includes a background note, the text assay with responses to the close reading questions, admission to the interactive exercises, and a follow-up assignment. The student's version, an interactive worksheet that tin can exist e-mailed, contains all of the above except the responses to the close reading questions, and the follow-upwardly consignment.

Teacher'southward Guide (continues below)
  • Background note
  • Text analysis and close reading questions with answer key
  • Interactive exercises
  • Follow-upwards assignment
Student Version PDF (click to open)
  • Interactive PDF
  • Background note
  • Text assay and close reading questions
  • Interactive exercises

Teacher'south Guide


Contextualizing Questions

  1. What kind of text are we dealing with?
  2. When was information technology written?
  3. Who wrote it?
  4. For what audience is it intended?
  5. For what purpose is it written?

These excerpts from Percy's Observations chronicles the start vi months of Jamestown'due south existence, from April to September, 1607, a period during which the colony survived but considering the Indians immune it to. Luck played its role in 1610, when all the remaining colonists, fleeing the utter failure of Jamestown in iv small boats, encountered, at the oral fissure of the James River, a re-supply fleet headed their manner. On board were 3 hundred new settlers and a new governor, Lord De la Warr, who ordered the fleeing boats to turn effectually. With fresh manpower Jamestown began the slow painful process of establishing itself as a profitable agronomical colony.

At the time of Jamestown's founding George Percy was only ane of several noblemen among the colonists. He later served equally governor of the colony. The original manuscript of his Observations has been lost. Information technology was published in 1625 as office of a larger collection of accounts of travel in the Americas. When analyzing whatever primary document, it is important to consider the author's motives in writing it. Apparently, Percy wrote Observations simply to record his experience in Virginia. It seems to have been intended for readers interested just in learning more almost the fascinating "new world." What matters hither is what Percy was non doing: he was not trying to recruit settlers, nor was he trying to raise money to support Jamestown. How might these considerations shape our interpretation of his Observations?

The Indians Percy and his boyfriend settlers encountered were well-organized politically under the leadership of Chief Powhatan. He commanded near thirty tribes, withal each local tribe had its ain chief or werowance, who was subordinate to Powhatan and who had to pay him tribute. Percy and the settlers traveled from town to town meeting these chiefs. Like well-nigh seventeenth-century peoples, the Indians believed they were the heart of the world. To them, the English newcomers were needy itinerants, not colonizers, and they expected to phone call the shots.

Text Assay


Close Reading Questions

1. What practice Percy'southward words here tell united states of america about English reasons for founding Jamestown?
The colonies has resources that would be useful to England, "the Country beingness so fruitful". Information technology would have also be "a corking annoyance to our enemies," an annoyance to Kingdom of spain, if England had been there during the war with Spain. So it is a useful military staging ground.

2. What do you lot call up he idea of the Spanish?
He saw the Spanish every bit rivals and enemies.

3. Judging from Percy's statement, what office do the Indians who inhabit the region play in the plans of the English?
The Indians have little office in the plans of the English language. Percy does not mention them in the kickoff excerpt.

[I]f the beginners of this action [the Virginia Visitor] do advisedly further [support] us, the Country existence so fruitful, it would be every bit great a profit to the Realm of England, as the Indies to the King of Spain. If this River which nosotros take found had been discovered in the time of state of war with Spain, information technology would have been a article [profit] to our Realm, and a great annoyance to our enemies.

iv. What does this passage tell us almost how well the English understand the Indians?
The English niggling understood the Indian culture. They assumed the Indians were burning off a field for planting or signaling, which is what the English would do. They also did non understand how the Indians fought, at dark.

5. Why would the English wait the Indians to assail them?
The Indians had attacked before.

April 1607 (before long after inflow)
[1] At night, when nosotros were going aboard, at that place came the Savages creeping upon all fours, from the Hills, like Bears, with their Bows in their mouths, [who] charged united states very desperately in the faces, injure Captain Gabriel Archer in both his hands, and a sailor in two places of the body very dangerous. After they had spent their Arrows, and felt the sharpness of our shot, they retired into the Woods with a groovy noise, and so left us.

[2] We marched some 3 or four miles further into the woods, where we saw great smokes of burn. We marched to those smokes and institute that the Savages had been in that location burning down the grass, as we thought either to make their plantation there [to clear the state for farming], or else to give signs to bring their forces.

[3] Thirtieth day, we came with our ships to Greatcoat Comfort; where we saw v Savages running on the shore. Presently the Captain caused the shallop [small open up boat] to exist manned; so rowing to the shore, the Captain chosen to them in sign of friendship, simply they were at showtime very timorous, until they saw the Captain lay his hand on his heart; upon that they laid down their Bows and Arrows, and came very boldly to us, making signs to come ashore to their Town, which is called by the Savages Kecoughtan ["great boondocks," commanded by a son of Powhatan]. We coasted to their Town, rowing over a River running into the Master[land], where these Savages swam over with their Bows and Arrows in their mouths.

six. How might you business relationship for the hospitality shown the English by Powhatan's son only days after Indians attacked the settlers?
He might wish to find out more about the whites — their intentions, strength, etc. He might also wish to open trade negotiations, or use his relationship with the whites as a sign of his strength within the Powhatan culture.

7. How might the tribes in the Powhatan Confederation interpret the fact that one of Powhatan's sons entertained the English language?
The might think that Powhatan's son was attempting to develop a diplomatic relationship with the English language.

8. What does this passage tell united states about European perceptions of Indians and their understanding of Indian culture?
The Europeans believed that the Indians were feeding and entertaining them, "in welcome."

[4] When we came over to the other side, there was a many of other Savages which directed us to their Boondocks, where nosotros were entertained by them very kindly. When we came first a Land they fabricated a doleful noise, laying their faces to the ground, scratching the earth with their nails. We did think they had been at their Idolatry [worship]. When they had ended their Ceremonies, they went into their houses and brought out mats and laid upon the footing: the chiefest of them sat all in a rank; the meanest [lowest, poorest] sort brought us such dainties as they had, and of their bread which they brand of their Maize or Gennea [Guinea] wheat. They would non endure [allow] us to consume unless we sat down, which we did on a Mat right confronting them. Later nosotros were well satisfied they gave us of their Tobacco, which they took in a pipe made artificially of earth as ours are, just far bigger, with the bowl fashioned together with a piece of fine copper. After they had feasted us, they showed us, in welcome, their manner of dancing, which was in this style. One of the Savages standing in the midst singing, beating one hand against another, all the balance dancing about him, shouting, howling, and stamping against the ground, with many Antic tricks and faces, making noise similar and so many Wolves or Devils.

9. What does the scene in the Paspihe hamlet — an entertainment with "much welcome" interrupted by an "sometime Savage's" rant — propose well-nigh the Paspihe'southward response to the arrival of the English? Compare the Paspihe'due south welcome with that which the English received in the village of Kecoughtan (run into paragraphs 3 and iv) and in the Raphanna hamlet.
While the general tribe was welcoming, some of the older members were suspicious of the English.

x. What does the response of the Rapahanna'south primary to the presence of the English amidst the Paspihe advise about relations between the two tribes?
It suggests that the two tribes were rivals.

xi. Why might the Raphanna chief have been displeased that the English visited the Paspihe village before visiting his?
He might take thought it would give the Paspihe village an advantage over his ain hamlet.

12. Why might it have been advantageous to Powhatan to let rivalries among the tribes in his confederation?
If there were rivalries among the tribes, no leader within a tribe could become strong plenty to challenge Powhatan.

May 1607
[five] The fourth solar day of May, nosotros came to the King or Werowance of Paspihe [Paspahegh]: where they entertained us with much welcome. An one-time Cruel made a long Oration, making a foul noise, uttering his speech with a tearing activity, merely we knew fiddling what they meant. While we were in company with the Paspihes, the Werowance [leader] of Rapahanna came from the other side of the River in his Canoe. He seemed to take displeasure of our being with the Paspihes. He would fain [gladly] accept had u.s.a. to come up to his Town. The Helm was unwilling. Seeing that the mean solar day was and so far spent, he returned back to his ships for that night.

[6] The next twenty-four hours, existence the 5th of May, the Werowance of Rapahanna sent a Messenger to take u.s.a. come to him. We entertained the said Messenger, and gave him trifles [trinkets] which pleased him. We manned our shallop with Muskets and Targatiers [pes soldiers armed with shields] sufficiently: this said Messenger guided u.s.a. where our determination was to go. When we landed, the Werowance of Rapahanna came downwards to the water side with all his train [followers]… playing on a Flute fabricated of a Reed…. He entertained us in so modest a proud mode, as though he had been a Prince of civil government, holding his countenance [keeping his bearing] without laughter or whatever such ill behavior.

xiii. Why, subsequently some Indians entertained the English cordially, would the Apamatica confront them "in a nigh warlike manner"?
They may take seen the English language equally enemies, aligned with a rival tribe.

14. What exercise the Apamatica demand of the English?
He wanted to know why they were there, and told them to leave, "willing the states to exist gone."

15. What might the English have signaled through their "signs of peace" that convinced the Apamatica to permit them country?
They may have displayed trinkets or other things to merchandise. An earlier tribe (come across paragraph 3) had responded to the Captain "lay his hand on his heart," and he may have washed this.

[seven] The eighth day of May nosotros discovered [explored] up the River. Nosotros landed in the Country of Apamatica. At our landing, there came many stout and able Savages to resist us with their Bows and Arrows, in a most warlike manner, with the swords at their backs beset with sharp stones, and pieces of iron able to cleave a man in sunder [cutting a man in two]. Amid the rest ane of the chiefest, continuing before them cross-legged, with his Arrow fix in his Bow in one hand, and taking a Pipe of Tobacco in the other, with a assuming uttering of his speech, demanded of us our being there, willing u.s.a. to be gone. We made signs of peace, which they perceived in the end, and let united states of america land in quietness.

xvi. How might the establishment of Jamestown in the Pasphie's state touch that tribe'due south attitude toward the English?
They may have been suspicious of the English'south intent to permanently settle.

17. What does the "alarm" suggest about the Indian's approach to the English settlement?
The English felt threatened by the Indian'south approach.

[eight] The thirteenth day, we came to our seating identify [Jamestown] in Paspihas Country, some eight miles from the indicate of Land, which I made mention before: where our ships do lie so near the shore that they are moored to the Trees in 6 fathom water.

[ix] The first night of our landing, almost midnight, there came some Savages sailing close to our quarter. Presently there was an alarm given; upon that the Savages ran away, and we [were] not troubled any more by them that night. Non long after there came ii Savages that seemed to exist Commanders, bravely dressed, with Crowns of colored hair upon their heads, he came every bit Messengers from the Werowance of Paspihae, telling us that their Werowance was coming and would be merry with us with a fat Deer.

18. How practise these encounters with the Paspihae differ from the earlier "entertainment" the Paspihae provided the settlers? (Run into paragraph 5.) What might account for the deviation?
These encounters are much more adversarial. The Paspihae may have realized that the English intended to stay.

19. How do these encounters with the Paspihae differ from the settlers' encounters with the Rapahanna? (Run into paragraph 6.) What might business relationship for the difference?
These encounters with the Paspihae reflect the war-like defensive poster of the Paspihae. The encourter with the Rapahanna reflected more than a diplomatic trade meeting.

20. Why might the English language suspect villainy on the part of the Paspihae?
Since they had been attacked earlier they were suspicious. They feared that the Paspihae would remain in their fort overnight and attack them from inside.

21. Why might the Paspihae werowance offer the English as much land as they wanted? Can nosotros be certain that he really made that offer?
He used the offer of land as a stall tactic. He probably did not make the offer in the sense that the English understood the offer.

22. Why would an Indian be interested in stealing a hatchet? What might the hatchet stand for?
A hatchet represents a warrior. By stealing the hatchet the Indian would remind the English that the Paspihae were the superior warriors.

[10] The eighteenth 24-hour interval, the Werowance of Paspihae came himself to our quarter, with 1 hundred Savages armed, who guarded him in a very warlike manner with Bows and Arrows, thinking at that time to execute their villainy [make their deceitful attack]. Paspihae made great signs to us to lay our Artillery away. But we would not trust him and then far. He seeing he could not have convenient time to work his will, at length made signs that he would give us equally much state every bit we would desire to take. As the Savages were in a throng in the Fort, one of them stole a Hatchet from one of our visitor, which spied [noticed] him doing the deed: whereupon he took it from him by forcefulness, and also struck him over the arm. Soon some other Savage seeing that, came fiercely at our man with a wooden sword, thinking to trounce out his brains. The Werowance of Paspiha saw united states accept to our Arms, went all of a sudden abroad with all his visitor in great anger.

[11] The twentieth twenty-four hour period of Werowance of Paspiha sent forty of his men with a Deer, to our quarter: but they came more in villainy than any honey they bare united states. They faine would have lain in our Fort all night, just nosotros would non endure them for fright of their treachery.

23. How do you think the Indians might have interpreted the English language cantankerous planting anniversary?
They would accept been suspicious or curious.

24. What implications does the anniversary hold for the Indians?
Information technology represents the English'due south attempt to Christianize them and change the Indian civilisation.

25. Why might it have mattered to the Indians that the captain went onshore alone?
It did not represent an attack — it was only i homo — so it was probably more a diplomatic effort.

26. How valuable would the gift of the hatchet be to the chief? What might information technology suggest to him nearly the English and the potential of an alliance with them?
He received it "joyfully." It was valuable for what it represented, a possible mutual armed forces or trading alliance.

27. What reasons might local tribes in the Powhatan Confederation have had for befriending the English? Might they exist seeking allies? Why would they need allies?
They would exist seeking allies confronting rival tribes. Allies would be useful for military or trading purposes.

28. Why would local Indians be concerned that the English language were planting?
It implies a permanence as well as exclusive use of the land. It would reduce the territory nether the Paspihae' directly control.

29. What does the werowance's answer tell you almost debates that were going on amongst the Indians who met the English language?
Debates include what force the English language may utilise, their military forcefulness, and their purpose — why they are there.

30. How does the werowance's characterization of the site of Jamestown as "waste basis" reflect upon the Paspihae's offer to give them every bit much equally they want?
Equally long as the English do not enquire for anything valuable or pose a risk, the Paspihae can be all-around.

[12] The four and twentieth day nosotros set up a Cross at the head of this River, naming it Kings River, where nosotros proclaimed James King of England to have the most correct to it. When we had finished and ready our Cross, we shipped our men and fabricated for James Fort. By the mode, we came to Pohatan's Towre [sic], where the Captain went on shore suffering none to go with him. He presented the Commander of this place, with a Hatchet which he took joyfully, and was well pleased.

[13] Just withal the Savages murmured at our planting in the State, whereupon this Werowance made respond once again very wisely of a Savage, Why should y'all be offended with them as long every bit they hurt you not, nor accept any matter away past force. They take but a picayune waste basis, which does you nor any of u.s.a. any good.

Smith's map of Virginia, 1624

Virginia / discovered and discribed by Captayn John Smith, 1606 (detail)

31. Compare the Englishmen's relationship with the Rappahanna to their relationship with the Pasphie.
Rappahanna focused upon establishing a friendship with the English. The relationship with the Paspihae was more complicated and involved military elements. Since the English settled in Paspihae territory their relationship was more direct.

June/July 1607
[fourteen] The vii and twentieth of July, the King of Rappahanna demanded a Canoe, which was restored [given], lifted up his hand to the Dominicus (which they worship as their God), as well he laid his hand on his heart, that he would be our special friend. It is a full general rule of these people, when they swear by their God which is the Sun, no Christian volition keep their Adjuration ameliorate upon this promise.

32. Percy believed that the Indians spared Jamestown because God put a terror into their hearts. What other reasons might they have had?
The English settlement could represent a balance against other tribes. They could be a trading partner or a military machine buffer.

33. Would you have predicted in 1607 that Jamestown would be a success?
Answers will vary. Probably not, as the settlers were starving and knew piffling of the environment in which they plant themselves. The Natives were a major determining gene in their survival.

34. At several points, the colony most failed, whether considering of starvation or sporadic state of war with the Indians. But ships with food and settlers arrived each time the colony was nearly empty, and over time diseases that were previously unknown in the Americas dramatically decreased the Indian population. Jamestown was eventually abandoned, merely the colony of Virginia thrived with the adoption of tobacco agronomics and slavery. Why, on the whole, did Virginia survive?
The English settlers were able to manipulate the environment and accommodate to it for their own do good.

35. Would you telephone call Jamestown a successful colony? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.

August/September 1607
[fifteen] It pleased God, after a while, to send those people which were our mortal enemies to relieve us with victuals, as Bread, Corn, Fish, and Flesh [meat] in great plenty, which was the setting upward of our feeble men, otherwise we had all perished. Too we were frequented past divers [visited by many] Kings in the Country, bringing united states of america store of provision to our great comfort.

Follow-Up Assignment

"Early on European colonies in the New World succeeded only if local Indians allowed them to and if they were lucky," asserts Professor Duval in the understanding for this lesson. To examine her premise, read the personal accounts below relating the early months of the outset three successful British colonies: Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay. Using the graphic organizer, cite prove from the accounts that reveal how luck, and the Indians' attitude toward the colonists, influenced the colonies' survival.

JAMESTOWN, founded 1607
Text: George Percy, Observations Gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia by the English, 1608 (excerpts).

PLYMOUTH, founded 1620
Text: William Bradfod, History of Plymouth Plantation, 1656 (excerpts).

Text: Memoir of Roger Clap, ca. 1680s (excerpts).

For more than primary resources on early New World colonies, see the primary source drove American Beginnings: The European Presence in North America, 1492-1690, from the National Humanities Center.

Vocabulary Pop-Ups

  • timorous : fearful, shy
  • doleful : sad, mournful
  • vehement : intense, passionate
  • treachery : betrayal, disloyalty

Image: John Smith, Virginia / discovered and discribed by Captayn John Smith, 1606, map, London, 1624 (detail). Library of Congress, Geography & Map Sectionalization, Call No. G3880 1624. S541 Vault. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.


Source: https://americainclass.org/successful-european-colonies-in-the-new-world/

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